kurtis lesick | Bio

kurtis lesick is an artist, curator, researcher, and award-winning creative content specialist. His installations, media works, digital performances, and cross-media collaborations explore the limits of materiality, knowledge, and themes of indeterminacy. lesick’s practice draws heavily on his experience in archaeology, anthropology and philosophy, as well as both his love and disdain for technology.
His work has been presented and exhibited internationally in Canada, Greece, Italy, Malta, Portugal, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the U.S.A. He is an Associate Professor at the Alberta University of the Arts where he teaches in Media Arts, has held an adjunct professorship at the Digital Futures Initiative in the Faculty of Graduate Studies at the Ontario College of Art and Design University (Canada), has been visiting faculty at the Banff Centre (Canada) and the University of California at Irvine (USA), and in 2020 was a Benjamin Meaker Distinguished Visiting Professor at the University of Bristol (UK). In 2012, lesick was awarded the inaugural People’s Choice Award for the Most Inspirational Digital Leader at the Digital Alberta Awards.
lesick has overseen the development of several large-scale online properties, written and creative directed the KidScreen award winning ‘Technosaurs’ project, and has consulted for such leading arts and media organizations as the Banff New Media Institute, the Calgary Arts Development Authority, Canadian Heritage, the National Film Board of Canada, the Union of BC Performers, Association of Alberta Colleges and Technical Institutes, and University of California-Irvine. His work was featured in Michael Petry’s (Curator, London MOCA) survey of text-based art: The Word is Art, Thames and Hudson.